graphic design services in Canada
We specialize in design services for authors and small businesses in Canada.
From WIX websites, Branding, Book Cover Design to Social Media Identity Kits.
We are proud to be the designers of 8 Amazon Bestsellers and several multi-award series and have some amazing clients who have continued returning to us throughout the years with their personal and professional projects, just read some of the things they have to say about us here.
Keep on reading to find out all the ways we can help you.
Plus, thanks to our Trusted Expert Network, we can assist in:
A la carte graphic design services to assist you on your marketing strategies.
​Ana and her design team offer the following design services:
Realistic mock-ups of your book to assist you on your digital advertising campaigns!
Animated versions of your book cover
Author Wix Websites
Custom Branding & Visual Identity Kits to help you promote your book or yourself as an author! From designing flyers, bookmarks and business cards to creating social media post templates & covers and more, so you are set prior to launching your book.
We can offer you special pricing in book marketing coaching and courses from an exclusive partner- A boutique marketing agency that specilizes in books and authors! They also offer book marketing ala carte services if you are looking for someone to do it for you and are ready to invest in your book!
We also can connect you with our curated Trusted Experts network, which are other professionals in the self-publishing industry that can assist you in all other parts on your project. Whereas you're looking for a professional typesetter or editor, we've got you covered. We've already done the research for you and you can trust Ana's Trusted Experts to take care of the rest.
we love helping small businesses just like you- grow.
Plus, thanks to our Trusted Expert Network, we can assist in: